-Im Gonna Be A Sinner Saint-

love coffee and poems
and silly things
love to have fun, love to play tricks
just no hello kitty
winnie the pooh
or related nonsense please

-Im Gonna Live and Love and Hate-

^sam again^

-Find My Wings Im Ready to Fly-

There must have been
something in the dawn
I know not why this feeling comes
It must have been
The sun's refrain
To make me feel like this today
Like every path may be my last
I wish it were the wind to blame
And all that I am grateful for
Is that you're with me here today.

-I'll Take Us All The Way to the Sky-

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Brushes by: Scully
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Friday, August 31, 2007

First week of college almost over!! I have registration in abt 2 hrs*eeek wish me luck for getting the classes that I want... I'malready up there at the maximum number of credits i can take persemester so haha it'll be pretty hectic i think... btw email me atthis columbia account cos i'm going to be checking it prettyreligiously considering its like the official mode of communicationhere. anyway!! internet access!! finally... pretty fast too butHORRROR NO DOWNLOADING ALLOWED??!! arrrr How am i supposed to watchmovies now?? and anime and all that stuff seriously... there wasthis internet talk abt how the university got like 100 warningmessages about downloading a week during the spring semester hahahilarious reallu... anyway i'm signing up for calc 3, acceleratedphys, p.e. badminton, general chem, and general mechanics... its arather set schedule actually not That much choice really... i wentto this placement test for physics and it was only 3questionsLONG!! and oneof the questions i culdnt even do because it wasnton ythe bloody ib syllabus and i still got into the class~!!bwhahah the prof. tried to scare us by saying 10-20 hrs of homeworkevery week but i'm slightly more optimistic looking than that.living in the dorm is just... ok i gues.s... i missing air-con,personal bathroom, personal towelrack, personal everythinggalthough my roommate is very cool and all that we get along verwell. ytd there was some kind of trinidad party across the hall soi only got to skeep arnd 5 wich was pretty bad ahaha i had to goout to ask thme to turn down the music but they were prettyreasonable about that i guess... people are really taking advantageof the nlack of classes right now. i met the first singpaorean iseen here too! ver strong accent haha i culd tell immediately toobad shes in cc and not seas. also met lots of other people fromrandom different places its pretty cool... been having lunch anddinner 2 meals a day almost every day at john jay wich is the majordining hall and today hahaha i convieniently lifted 2 wholetupperwares full of cereal back to the room BHWAHAhaha its notstealing really theres so much food there and i also convienientlylifted so much fruit its crazy... getting my fridge tmr finally for30bux the whole year its pretty good deal and can keep milk and allthat... things are looking up i guess. ehehe. i also get ALL mywater from the dining hall and its pretty good water.. the fooditself is only so-so i guess... usual noodles and rice andstrangely cooked stuff that you can only get in cafeteriaseverywhere i dunt know who thinks up weird combinations like beans,avocado and raisin salad/!!! like wut the hell!! but theres gooddesert and ice cream too... trying to eat less.. the dining plan ispretty exp though yep, like 12bux a meal?? i guess they alreadyfigured that students will take stuff from the cafeteria back tothe dorm! anyway i'm going to pack my table again now.. bb!

Stranger watched the raven at 11:55 AM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

carnt wait for... hmmm... ah... 16th!


oh but wait... thats also the deadline for that four thousand word extended essay.

damn it!

ah well. at least it'll be over with right?

Stranger watched the raven at 12:33 AM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

omg is there anything more dreary than spending the whole bloody rainy day studying for satS?? unless you're studying for prelims that is. yeesh not to mention the threat of college and prjects and stuff hanging over ya head. school starts on tuesday yes its horibly, dreadfully true. *and* my parents are both foaming at the mouth abt how im soo not enthusisastic about senior retreat day. (as if its ther motive in life to point out to me all the 'social interaction' pts of my school career) wunderful. the people in charge have once again struck to encourage student moral... and what was it... bonding between faculty and students... oh sure... we're all going to have so much fun at crystal lake that we're just OVerjoyed to get back to school... not tht it would remind us that the summer is over... oh noo... or the whole bloody ib is going to come down like a ton of bricks in a few months. of cos no.A RRRGH HHH. diedieidiedieieddie. okok. something more positive... mooree positive. everyone shuld buy halo 2 and an xbox and also internet connection thts v. fast. then we can play a real multiplayer game and instead of killing aliens we can kill each other!not counting the occasional shooting in the back during co-op wich of cos is entirely accidental and not due to the fact tht thre no aliens in sight at the moment.. no of cos not. more and moreim finding writing a blog is v. pointless becos my life is so boring... but its marginally better at the moment than studying for the sat. exactly. yes. (you should be doing sometihng more constructive than reading this im sure) also somehow the raspberry jam in the cookies baked yesterday was like eye-wateringly sour/bitter yesterday and like tooth-droppingly sweet today.. no idea wut happened... a very bizarre chemical reaciton or sometihng... either way ... the cookies look nice... if not... very.. edible. yeah. if anyone has encountered this weird jam phenomenon before pls tell me im v. intrigued to know wut happened.

Stranger watched the raven at 7:24 PM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Stranger watched the raven at 4:09 AM

Thursday, February 09, 2006

omg driving is seriously fun. scary, somtimes life threatening and sometimes incredibly boring (such as waiting at the damn light) but funfun!!

so being 5secs late to get into the car im suddenly stuck with being actually DRIVING FIRST? eeek. and the guy goes thru all the pedals and signals and stuff and OFF WE GO. yeah, 5 secs of instructions. thanks man. make it all the way down f.d.r and onto 38th without mishap (except perhaps .... then we're on the main streets and there are sooo many pedestrians and stuff and they're ALL STANDIING AT THE CURB WHEN IM TRYING TO TURN?? what the hell is wrong with them. hellooo pple read the sign on the car: "extrememely dangerous student driver: step away from the curb" but nooooo, they dunt care, so i have to brake in the middle of the whole road and waiiiit for them to slloooowwly walk across the damn crossing! aghr! then i totally miss my turning because im sooo busy concentrating on the three damn mirrors that you have to look at every 3-5 seconds??? YEAH NO WAY. and then theis total idiot looks like hes turnign in front of me but then he starts to reverse and im coming up behind him and so i swerve like frantically left to avoid him the whole street is full of cars?! eek. im going to fail my road test. horribly. miserably. terribly. the accelerator is too light and the brake is too heavy... noo... ervthing is wrongggg eeeeeek... VRROOM SCREECH VROOM OMGIMGOINGTODIE VROOOM EEEEeeeaackkk.... *sighs of relief* <- basically summarizes the class.

actually it was pretty ok... didnt feel like going to die or anything... sarah had it soo much worse. there was this one guy in front of her and to her right (and to tell you the truth i dunt even rmb the next 5 secs properly cos adrenaline was like flooding through my brain) but then he seems to stop i think and sarah's coming up from behind pretty fast, so the instructor tells her to slow down and turn on the left blinker to pass her... AHHAHAHA but somehow everything goes opposite and teh WINDSHIELD WIPERS START WIPING FRANTICALLY NA DTHE ACCELERATOR JUST JAMS ON IN THIS HUGE BURST OF POWER AND ARGH ARGH ARGH!! and the instructor has to jam down his brakes and we're all lkike... what the hell just happejned?? hahahahah... kinda funny actually.. not funny while goin through it... i had this whole flashback to jurassic park where the safari cars gettotally trashed and the windshield wipers are on... SOO CREEPY! then the instructor was evilll and made sarah go through grand central where there is this quote :" serpentine" twisty road thing wher eits a total blind curve... youjust see like one manageable curve turning left, then suddenly as you turn this horrible sloping downwards right curve comes up and the instructor is talking sooo fast like "lookoutlookoveryourshoulderlookattheblindspotkeeptotherightbecarefuloftheguynexttoyou" and like alll sorts of more stuffstuff...

damn tiring. damn fun. damn lots of stuff to remember. like thoese damn mirrors. i need more eyes.

MORE DRIVING! (plus i have this icredible urge to just crash... like just once you know... just to see what it feels like... erh... yeah... :P)

Stranger watched the raven at 7:22 PM

Monday, January 30, 2006

ha ha i finally uploaded the pictures. yay.

cookie experience.. well.. not really cookies... erh... cream cheese rolls to be more specific. ... ... yah. nothng wrong. they were nice.

Image hosting by Photobucket

be afraid. be very afraid. evil... shadow... creeepy... loomimg......... BAkers!! *shrieks and screams come from nowhere*

Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by Photobucket

smile for the camera! notice how i'm doing the washing up. yes... i am *actually* washing up. har har. not funny.

Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by Photobucket

Yeah... thats the best use for the cream cheese rolls... decorative art. uhmm hum...

Image hosting by Photobucket


Stranger watched the raven at 6:56 PM

Sunday, January 29, 2006

happy chinese new year guys!!!

as usual im avoiding homework... although in fact (surprise surprise) it isn't due tommorrow!! yay! and (more cheers) i've just completed the bio homework that *is* due tommorow. of course... i spend 20 mins doing the actual thing... and then another 30mins looking for the damn stupid stapler which the damn stupid designer put a lousy magnet on the bottom causing it to stick to the christmas cookie can on my table... which of course i put on the floor while clearing space to do work.... i mean... who the hell looks for a stapler attached to the side of a cookie can on the floor and furthermore covered by a trashbag full of sick tissues which fell off the side of my desk... of course the last place you wuld look right??!! dunt blame me ok... more and more time is totally being killed by looking for stupid things. like the fever medicine. its missing. not good. oh and lets not forget the extra boxes of tissues that are apparently in the cupboard...only... they're not there. running out of tissues. defintely not good. oh and of course i'm coming down with a cold. greeat timing. start the new year sick why don't I, how auspicious.

okok everything isn't really falling apart. it just seems that way. on the upside my cooking is improving tremendously. i.e. i actually conquered laziness today to defrost and prepare and then cook sum chicken and tofu and rice for dinner! whoohoo! this means, considering how the rice cooker has a minimum amount that can be cooked... i'm probably going to be eating chicken and tofu and rice for the next few days. yay!! -___- why i thought you wanted to know that i dunt noe... but then again... if you had anything better to do you wuldnt be reading this right? :D this means you sam. stop watching tv. bad for your eyes @_@

yikes its actually feb alreadi... which means... driver's ed is starting to get serious... ooo... first driving lesson in the car is 6th of feb. not looking forward to it at all. plus the instructor's voice makes me want to sleep. or slit my wrists out of depression. the course sounds soo hard now... im just going to fail soo badly. ergh. whats wrong wif taking the bus? i like the bus. im a bus-person. no... .... actually i hate the bus. whats wrong with taking the subway? *someone points out that most places have no subway* ....... whats wrong wif walking? no wait... i hate walking. ...... everyoine shuld just live more close to one another.

anyways... enough abt that... its already starting to be depressing. its also depressing how im complaining that its depressing, being that no one needs to know how depressing it is, in case they are depressed. soo... hey ... had soo much fun at xi's house yesterday i.e. new year's eve. think i managed to lose a few pounds laughing so muhc... except for the cheesecake... .... .... cheesecake. hehe its kind of coming back in fragments, so bear with the mixed up chronology. first thing that comes to mind... oo.. we watched seoul raiders... hahahaha... such a nonsense show but sooo funny... then of course made twenty thousand jokes about wassa-wassa-wasabi the wholle night that contributes to the stomach cramps of course. hehehe... somehow things degenerated into things being thrown around the room, and then an all out pillow fight that managed to chase xi out of her room, after which we barricaded it with four pillows (two striped), three wheely chairs (one missing a head and an arm) and a stuffed lion(who is simba and shuld die). xi's dad's following comment: "they were preparing for another tsunami". hmm... next thing i can remember... oh yeah... haha making dumplings at like... 11pm? or something like that? hehehehe... me and xi making and making and then she's like im soooo tired and she stops... then coupla minutes later im like "argh... im soooo tired also" and thne i stop... and then the only one making is sarah... who probbaly made like the entire last tray of dumplings. must have been somthing in the flour... got an allergy... was sneezing the whole night and the whole day today also... egh... not to mention the blood or wine (i.e. mysterious red stain that kept appearing on my hands and then my shirt... hey it had nothing to do with me ok.) theres absolutely no reason why there shuld be blood there. not a cut, not any particular time of the month.... sooo weird. yah yah enough about that... hmm... what else... hmmm... had a thought... had a though.... ... .... no its gone. yah well... not time also anyway. must get back to madame bovary and the damn flying cow. (dunt ask)...

ps: sorry guys... i think the xmas cards didnt make it through the mail... :{ i'm probably sticking to ecards from now on. yeah.

Stranger watched the raven at 11:28 PM